Thursday, April 12, 2012


Many feel that doing work for free is a stupid idea; some believing that there is zero reward for the time put in. As of recent I have taken on a series of small pro-bono projects and have found that these are not just acts of charity, but acts of opportunity.

Especially as a younger designer breaking into the industry, it's important to find connections to allow yourself a door to open. I the last week I have worked on a few small projects that directly link me to some the best ad/ creative firms in my city. This work allows me to actually communicate with company art directors on an equal footing. Even though you aren't receiving a paycheck at the end of the day, you may have earned yourself a powerful friend for your future endeavors.

I've also volunteered some of my time recently to assist in a logo design for an old climbing friend. Ryan Alonzo is an extremely talented photographer who is better known for his photography of Yosemite National Park. The new logo design reflects the dynamic nature of his outdoor photography. If you take a peak at his site,  you'll understand why I came to this conclusion.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Severing the Hand that Feeds You.

Ideally  when working on freelance projects, I work very close with my client as to discover a common ground to reach our creative objective. This close working relationship allows for both the client and the designer to voice their opinions on an equal footing. A mutual working environment allows for both parties to field their best strength: The designer is the creative portion who will help mold the perspective of the client, whose vision is the template for a designer to follow. It is that creative talent that is our strength. I mean, come on, at the end of the day that’s what you’re paying for. When the job finally reaches completion, the client walks away with a better product, and the designer departs with a sense of pride in yet another completed project.

In recent weeks I came into a job expecting this kind of joint effort, but instead found an enemy.

The business partner I was chosen to work with was something I’ve never experienced. The individual in question can only be described as “shock and awe”. He was the kind of guy who would kick down a door and shove a concept down your throat. He was aggressive, confident, and seemingly design savvy. His dynamic entrance was enough to quiet the doubters and keep them under his influence without protest.
He was a natural born leader of men...

...but I couldn’t take the bait.
For the next month I was tasked to working alongside a man who was not only unprepared to do this project, but treated me in a manner that was insulting, hurtful, lewd, and degrading.Throughout the entirety of the project I was never given a project brief, marketing plan, or even a schedule of deadlines. During our meetings there was an absolute absence of feedback, and was pretty much a platform for him to call me names ( i kid you not). At one point he even made an attack upon my reputation as a designer to some of my past employers. 

In the matter of a few days I found myself dealing with acid reflux due to the stress caused from dealing with him. As a slight backstory, I haven’t had to deal with this disorder in over eight years. With these mounting pressures on me I began to seek advice from friends in the field. The result was me firing my client.

I never want to lose a client in this manner. I felt that over the past six years doing freelance I could handle any kind of client thrown at me. After this last month I now know there is a limit to who I can work with. Respect is a powerful tool when working with others. With its absence a working relationship ceases to exist.

I apologize to the other owner of the company, whose feedback allowed me to attain a foothold into this project. Her attention to the project was admirable and her ability to process information and make rational decisions gave me faith that this project could have worked. I was very scared to burn a bride, but with my personal health at risk I decided to stop.

Oh, and if you were wondering what direction this project was heading, this is was something I was working on. The business partner that I did enjoy working with wanted me to aim for a modernized rendition of the French Renaissance style made popular during the late 1800's. This was the style of the building that the restaurant is going into. 

Monday, February 27, 2012

from under the surface...

While tackling a few new freelance projects I was able to spawn yet another new piece. Looks are deceiving, for it is only about 6x8. On the side I've cobbled together 7 more canvases, so hopefully I'll be a tad more productive updating this little guy.

Oh, and I tried my hand at a crest for a commission. For a first try I feel it was satisfactory. Take care and see you guys soon!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Of skyscrapers and samurais...

So over the last month i've polished off another series of pieces.

Predator - 2012

Of course I had to kick off the new year with a nice new piece. It was my first time making a paper doll of sorts and I hope to touch down on this idea again soon. Currently there are 5 canvas ready for some new experiments. Let's see what the next few weeks herald.

Guaranty - 2012

On the chopping block was a commission that involved one of Buffalo's architectural gems, Louis Sullivan's Guranty building. Instead of doing an ordinary rendering of the building I took an alternate route that pleased both the customer and myself. Sadly I feel the matting/mounting of this piece took longer than the actual execution of the drawings...

...Then again it was a good learning experience ;)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Getting Hairy

After an interesting adventure in NYC this weekend I approached some new sketches in a more hairy approach.  Having a lot of time on trains allowed me to experiment with coloring in photoshop instead of just posting pen sketches as a usually do.

Coming soon! Mythical creatures?? Sure. Why not.

Also here's a rendering of Samuel Beam (Iron and wine) if he doesn't shave his beard off soon.

Sneaking + Hairy

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I thought I was done drawing buildings...?

Well I recently received a commission to draw some of Buffalo's architectural golden nuggets. On the way is yet another city hall and the Guaranty Building as well. Here's what I've gotten done so far...

M&T Building

Richardson Complex

I've got some awesome new sketches to dump on here soon. Keep your eyes peeled!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Back in the saddle!

Sorry for the extensive absence that has expanded over four months! Now that I have graduated I finally have time to get back into the swing of things. Having left in October, a lot has happened since. The week after my last post I went out to Zucotti Park to join the masses for an occupy wall street demonstration. 

Somehow I managed to get interviewed.

During this event I started a new concentration: The Proud Pidgeon.

Inspired to make a piece political I started working with eagles. However, the normal American citizen is not an eagle. We aren't predators, nor are we few in number. I feel our indentity is more akin to a pigeon in those regards. We are strong in number, each individually unique, and capable of making our presence known when we gather together. What started out as a few wheatpastes around wall street started to 
infiltrate my artwork.

I've got a lot of other things to bring up to date other than pigeons and politics so hopefully soon I can show more of what I have been up to. Thanks for dropping by and lets make this the best 
New Year yet!!!